Facebook likeness

Coincidentally I just had three status updates of friends’ displayed on my Facebook page and could not not make a screenshot because they are so much alike. It almost makes me wonder if Facebook grouped them or if it was just pure coincidence. A few weeks ago I already had an eery Facebook experience when […]

Between good and bad

Making decisions is not always easy, especially when you need to decide between the good and the bad, but sympathize with the in-between because you can see the advantages and they seem to outweigh the disadvantages when the product / service is used as intended. I’m not making sense? Well, hopefully it becomes clearer in […]

Save the search results

A Twitter message by Will Richardson alerted me to the new feature on Google‘s result pages on Friday. Since then others, e.g. Philipp Lenssen, have reported about the new feature. On the official Google blog one can read: Today we’re launching SearchWiki, a way for you to customize search by re-ranking, deleting, adding, and commenting […]

Nothing goes unnoticed

I have always wondered how the media can produce well-researched, well-written, and well-presented information basically minutes after the death of a famous person. Now I know: The information is prepared beforehand, maybe sometimes even years in advance, and constantly updated. Unfortunate for the not-yet-deceased if such an obituary is accidentally published as in the case […]