In late March / early April (is it really already so long ago?) a video started circulating that was filmed at the Antwerp Central Train Station. Unsuspecting travelers suddenly heard a song from the movie “The Sound of Music” coming from the loudspeakers. Not long after the first notes were heard, people started to dance. It first looked very random, but by and by, more dancers joined in and it became clear that a performance was under way.
It was a very creative performance with a modernized version of “Do-Re-Mi”. It could be called dance mob in reference to flash mobs for which a large number of people suddenly congregate in a public space, perform a pre-arranged action and disperse afterward very quickly. In Antwerp, 200 dancers came together to perform the song and went away. This dance mob was organized by vtm, a Belgian TV station and they filmed the preparations to the event as well in a Making of.
The video has been making the rounds on Twitter for the last month. A similar ad by T-Mobile, “The T-Mobile Dance”, has not been so successful. The people in Antwerp seemed to have been better prepared and documented their efforts as well as the action in itself very well.
The dance was filmed from several cameras that were placed in the grand train station that was very well suited for the performance. It is great to watch the video even after the 5th time and look at the surprised faces of the passers-by. I wish I had been there for the performance, but incidentally, I was in Antwerp almost 2 months prior to the event.
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