Profile pages of social networking services can be a mineful of fascinating categories as we have already seen with YouTube. The services want to add a personal touch and not just provide the standard questionnaire to fill in. As I signed up for my flickr account today, I took a look at the profile page and smiled when I saw the category “Singleness”.
It’s a nice change to the regular “marital status” category found on official documents. Does this category also suggest that singleness becomes more dominant? And what does “Open” mean? Open for a relationship? Open for an affair? If it implies the first one, open for a relationship, does “Single” imply “I don’t want to date and I am happy that I am alone and want to stay alone”?
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well, open means open… how can you be so closed not to understand open… 🙂 LOL
Open relationship – not open for a relationship (Offene Beziehung), you can find the same category on facebook and I always wanted to ask ppl what exactly an open relationship is…